Note that the small pictograms i'm generally using in the speech balloons had been replaced by words.
The magazine chief editor feared that the pictograms were way too intricate and confusing for the vast majority of the readers, so he suggested replacing them by single words.
That's a brilliant idea for sure, and i think i will be working in that direction in the near future...
Nevertheless, you can try reading the unaltered version of that complicated, undecipherable little story below.
It was directly inspired by real facts regarding security issues in Iraq.

Je trouve pourtant que la version avec les pictogrammes est assez explicite. (et plus classe aussi)
maybe the way Roilo talked about the "brilliant idea" was a little bit ironic.
Your work reminds me of "Les frères Ben Qutuz à Frustration Land",
which was terribly impressive and original.
Maybe I shall put the whole story on my blog if I find it back into my stuff.
I think also about Imagex
Anyway, my bookseller is nice, and it's a pleasure to meet you.
Maybe to make the story easier to read you could have dropped the pictures altogether and just used a short script instead describing each panel.
but, seriously, love those pictograms.
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