
Brave New World

Manually Separated Color, pencil on left and ballpen on right.

Poster for my next painting exhibition.
The thing will be held in Poitiers, hometown of the Fanzinothèque, a place which collects and files fanzines from all over the world since 1990.

The exhibit will be focused on an adaptation of Aldous Huxley s "Brave New World" updated by the Terrenoire collective.

The opening is planned for October 25th, and that will be a good opportunity for me to lay some noise in public.


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After being postponed and delayed many times, despite a rental expulsion, the publishing company being closed down in 2007... This long awaited album is finally out, fresh off the printing presses.

The original cover illustration.

a few glimpses from the pages, fortunately, the color quality of the print went out quite well.
The album will reach the bookstores shelves for September 17th.