
Super Pack Promo

Cover illustration featuring a bunch of super heroes for the local small press publisher Organic Comix.


Prof Fall - Dancing Party

 Flyer for an art exhibit and release party surrounding the launch of Prof Fall this coming November 4th in Lyon. More info there:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1238663759539749/


Prof Fall - Book signing

Few free sketches for the first book signing last Sunday 16th October in Saint-Etienne.


Prof Fall - Hot off the press

The books arrived, still smelling fresh ink from the printing presses last week.
This is a nice baby, weighing 1kg and 170 grams.


Prof Fall - Out Soon

Finally, my upcoming album Prof Fall will be out This October 21st.
176 duotone pages nicely wrapped in a hardcover by the Tanibis publishing services.
As you can see, it will be quite thick.  More details coming soon...


Outdoor Summer Painting

Excerpts panels from a giant comic strip painted within four hours with the Organic Comix collective.
Contamines-Montjoie, Haute-Savoie, August 12th 2016.



Barré #5

Preparatory sketch and pencil. August 2016.
Cover Illustration for the upcoming 5th issue of the mook/magazine Barré.


Schéma Rétréci

Page done for an upcoming French H/C punk compilation on Stonehenge Records.
It's an old Coche Bomba song covered by the band Richard Durn.


Siekiera Centralna

Oil on Masonite.
Commission work done back in July 2013, Color chart and subject matter were on request.
The people pictured here are the Polish punk band Siekiera.