Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts


Outrage Fatigue

 Outrage Fatigue, September 2020, reissue of the self published 2013 silkscreen fanzine. 28 pages, 7€,


La mythomane du Bataclan

La mythomane du Bataclan, 24 pages comics, 
Toujours disponible, Florence M. était à l’écoute des victimes des attentats. 
Par Alexandre Kauffmann et Ivan Brun, Revue XXI n°56, October 2021


No Police Violence, Please...

Cover art for: "La revue dessinée / Mediapart Hors-Série : 

« ne parlez pas de violences policières », Emmanuel Macron (édition 2020) - édition spéciale" July 2020.


Black Screen Silkscreen calendar 2021-2022













Separated colors for the Black Screen collective silkscreen calendar, 2020 and 2021 edition, 

both scenes taken in front of the Lyon Westfield commercial center.



Dump Site #3

Dump Site #3,
72 color A5 pages filled to the brim, collecting selected illustrations done between 1992 up to now, 150 copies, 10€,
should be out this coming September.


René Gagès, 40 ans d'architecture à Lyon

Physical copy of the online comic about the architect René Gagès.
Now it's possible to access to the document by flashing a QR code with a mobile device, simple as that.


Future Junk

Some of my old unreleased musical archives are now retrievable and listenable through this modest tape label:


Cool Memories

Tape cover for a collection of songs i wrote and played 20 years ago.


Live Painting - Lyon

Improvised painting done within one hour.

Accompagnement visuel du concert de Bill Stone et On Lâche Les Chiens.
Orga: Stridulation
Lieu: Atelier des Canulars, Lyon 07
le 10/05/2019
Bill Stone: http://boumcoeurrecords.monsite-orang...
On Lâche Les Chiens:


Live Contrebandes / Toulon

Live painting done during two 40 minutes sessions in Toulon, Contrebandes bookstore,
Toulon, March 16th 2019.


Live Prof Fall

Some live action painting around the graphic novel Prof Fall.
Music composed and played by Tristan Peretton.


Free Zone

Free Zone - June 2018
20 page fanzine collecting sketches done during various comics conventions between June to November 2017, following a story-line by Tristan Perreton. All ball-pen drawings done on the spot.
It could be ordered at Tanibis Editions. More info there.



Collected record sleeves and punk related artwork done between 1989 and 2016. 60 full color pages,
a Tanibis / Black Screen joint release, printed in offset at 150 copies.
Release party this coming June 15th.


Prof Fall - Dancing Party

 Flyer for an art exhibit and release party surrounding the launch of Prof Fall this coming November 4th in Lyon. More info there:


Prof Fall - Hot off the press

The books arrived, still smelling fresh ink from the printing presses last week.
This is a nice baby, weighing 1kg and 170 grams.


Prof Fall - Out Soon

Finally, my upcoming album Prof Fall will be out This October 21st.
176 duotone pages nicely wrapped in a hardcover by the Tanibis publishing services.
As you can see, it will be quite thick.  More details coming soon...


Down & Out

Back for revenge...
My official site is now ready, covering a selection of works done between 1990 to 2011, check it there: 


Maximum RocknRoll

Just got my copies from the MRR September issue.
It includes a 4 page article about my works and my passion for violent hard core punk music within the french context of the late 80's until now.
The drawing used for the cover was inspired by some manga, used for an unofficial Lip Cream t-shirt designed and screen printed at two copies back in 1991, old stuff...


Freak Out!

Cover and illustrations done for the Freak Out! music fanzine.
This nice publication is printed at 300 copies on a A3 newspaper format.
Feature mostly obscure contemporary punk music...
Check it out there: