
Panthères & Pharmacies

Commission for some erotic novel, 2017. Color simulation for risograph printing. Had to adapt to the color chart.


Zone Infinie - Rester et Fuir

Zone Infinie - Rester et Fuir Front and back album cover for the local French punk rock band Zone Infinie. Done back in October 2017. Ink and scratching on polyester film.


Free Zone

Free Zone - June 2018
20 page fanzine collecting sketches done during various comics conventions between June to November 2017, following a story-line by Tristan Perreton. All ball-pen drawings done on the spot.
It could be ordered at Tanibis Editions. More info there.


Time Lapse

4 sketches done within an hour during the local comic festival, Sunday 10th 2018.


Prof Fall Free Sketches

Few free sketches done during the Prof Fall album launch, November 4th 2016.
Not the best stuff and ideal lighting, but around forty were drawn the same evening.



Painting done last year in public during "Rencontres du 9ème Art", Aix En Provence, April 8th 2017
Acrylic on canvas. size might be 180x240cm approximatively...