Bez Komentarza - Press
The book eventually got some press, but i really can't tell if the reviews are positive or negative... Try reading Polish.
The article below was taken from the website Sadurski.com, which is from what i can understand, is a Polish cartoonist / Internet portal & at the same time a publishing company releasing satiric & political cartoon magazines. Displaying the book among a pile of garbage, with used condoms & cigarette butts was quite a fun idea.
Rysunek satyryczny Plastyka
Bez komentarza - recenzja komiksu 2009-09-16
Bez komentarza - recenzja komiksu Oto recenzja komiksu "Bez komentarza", napisana dla portalu Sadurski.com przez Jarosława Marcina Chudzika.
Bez komentarza - czyli cała prawda o homo sapiens
Po przeczytaniu tego komiksu ze 100% pewnością złapiecie doła. Nie może być inaczej, jeśli autor Ivan Brun bezlitośnie pokazuje nam ludzką naturę. „Bez komentarza” to chyba najbardziej poruszający z wydanych do tej pory komiksów w Polsce! Okładka może mylić; narysowana twarz młodej kobiety w stylu mangi odstraszy zapewne przeciwników japońskiego komiksu. Na szczęście to tylko zmyłka, w środku mamy europejską kreskę.
Rysownik pochodzi z obszaru komiksu frankofońskiego, przesłaniem jednak, bliżej mu do rysunków amerykańskiego mistrza undergroundu Roberta Crumba. Autor zniekształca ludzkie postacie, powiększając im głowy, resztę zostawia w poprawnych proporcjach, rysuje realistycznie. Może, sugeruje nam tym celowym powiększeniem, że jesteśmy jak lalki, kukiełki, uwikłani w rzeczywistość, gramy jak nam karzą niewidoczni „władcy marionetek”?
Twórca (rocznik 1971) jest absolwentem ASP w Lyonie, poza tworzeniem komiksów śpiewał w hardcorowej grupie Coche Bomba. Publikował często pornograficzne historie obrazkowe w licznych zinach. Komiksy zebrane w albumie „Bez komentarza” były wcześniej w większości publikowane w miesięczniku „L`Echo des Savanes”. Wszystkie historie są pozbawione tekstu. Rysunki klarownie i dosadnie opowiadają nam ludzką wegetację. Przez to, że autor celowo nie komentuje opowieści, zyskują na sile i dają do myślenia długo po zamknięciu i odłożeniu albumu na półkę. Gdyby jakiś obcy w rodzaju ET przejrzał ten komiks stwierdziłby, że ludzie nadają się tylko do najcięższych robót w kopalniach uranu. Homo sapiens nie reprezentują ani jednej zalety, to chodzące potworki pełne zawiści, złości, pożądania. Undergroundowy rysownik przedstawia narkomanię, debilistyczne media ze swoimi kolejnymi odmianami Big Brothera, umierające środowisko, skorumpowaną i gnijącą władzę, egoistyczne podejście bliźnich do siebie. Czasem zamiast słowa artysta używa w dymku powszechnie zrozumiałych symboli. Ivan Bruno tym otwierającym nam szeroko oczy komiksem bez ogródek wystawia same jedynki na świadectwie współczesnej ludzkości. Jak napisał T.S. Eliot w swoim wierszu "Wydrążeni ludzie:
„..tak oto kończy się świat
tak oto kończy się świat
tak oto kończy się świat
nie hukiem ale skomleniem”./*
Ivan Brun już słyszy ten zwierzęcy skowyt. A Wy, Drodzy Czytelnicy?
Recenzja i foto: Jarosław Marcin Chudzik - www.jmc.za.pl
Bez Komentarza, Kultura Gniewu 2009, cena 44,90
/* Wydrążeni ludzie w przekładzie Krzysztofa Boczkowskiego
Here's what we have with the help of an automatic Polish to English translator...
Review of comics No Comment.
, for portal by jaroslaw of marcin written Sadurski.com Chudzika.
Without comment - or you will tackle about after reading with 100% certitude whole truth this comics homo sapiens doła. Otherwise, it can not be, if author shows human nature pitilessly Ivan Brun. Probably, till now it without comment from issued in poland most comics „ ” underway < move >! Plate can mislead; drawn face of young woman will frighten away opponents of japanese comics in style surely mangi. It on luck only zmyłka, in center (means) european line mum < have >. Designer (drawer) dates from area of comics frankofońskiego, however, message, for drawings of american champions closer it (him) undergroundu Roberta Crumba. Author distorts human forms, heads play increasing memorial < they (their) >, it leaves the rest in correct proportions, it draws realistically. It can, it suggests these expedient increases , that we are as doll, kukiełki, to reality involved, play we punish invisible „ ruler puppet ”? Framer is graduate in lyons academy of plastic arts ( age group (year-book) 1971 ), it sang beyond creation of comics in (to) group bomb hardcorowej Coche. It published pornographic illustrated histories in (to) numerous often zinach. Comics assembled (collected; convened) were published in album without comment in (to) majority in monthly „ ” earlier „ ” L`Echo des Savanes. They are stripped all histories text. Drawings clearly tell and they tell human abruptly wegetację. As result, that it does not comment author expediently story, they gain on power and they give for reflection after closure (shutdown) long and on shelf putting off of (putting aside of) album. If it comics in kind some (certain) foreign review ascertain ET, that people (people) be suitable for roughest (heaviest) jobs in mines of uranium only. They do not represent Homo sapiens neither one advantage, it walking freak full envy, it will irritate, coveting. It presents drug addiction designer (drawer) Undergroundowy, die with next changes media debilistyczne Big Brothera, environment die , corrupt < corrupt > and putrefying authority, egoistic identical approach for . It uses artist instead of word in (to) sometimes intelligible (apprehended) generally dymku symboli. It exposes (set out) eyes without on certificate of (testimony of) modern mankind comics one it opening we widely Ivan Brun. As it has written T.S. In poem " excavated people (people) Eliot here, here, here, world world world „ finish so finish so finish not rumble ..tak but ” skomleniem. / *
Bez Komentarza
No Comment's Polish edition, published by Kultura Gniewu back in July 2009.
This was an enhanced version compared to the original edition with some extra pages and illustrations. Despite being a wordless comic book, they took care of translating the few remaining words and letterings in Polish, great job!
Arms Race
1969 pt 2
Pilote Special Summer edition, commemorating its 40 year-old anniversary.
Last year, there was a special anniversary issue focused on 1968, but this time, for the 1969 issue, the authors were asked to work on erotica, hippie nostalgia and such...
Judging by the cover, there's a great selection of comics artists, not to say the cream of the crop of the french comic scene...
My modest contribution to the mag...
More detailed views here...
Last year, there was a special anniversary issue focused on 1968, but this time, for the 1969 issue, the authors were asked to work on erotica, hippie nostalgia and such...
Judging by the cover, there's a great selection of comics artists, not to say the cream of the crop of the french comic scene...
My modest contribution to the mag...
More detailed views here...
Grosso Gadgetto - self produced
He has a meth lab inside his head.
Inspired by a famous propaganda poster from the WW2.
The printed result.
12'' vinyl record for the local Abstract Hip-Hop band Grosso Gadgetto. That was released last November, have to mention that the recording and mastering job on this slab is quite impressive. 500 copies were pressed, don't sleep.
Inspired by a famous propaganda poster from the WW2.
The printed result.
12'' vinyl record for the local Abstract Hip-Hop band Grosso Gadgetto. That was released last November, have to mention that the recording and mastering job on this slab is quite impressive. 500 copies were pressed, don't sleep.
No More Seasons pt. 2
Well, Eight months without posting anything on this blog...
It's time for a little summary of the different activities done lately before the end of the year, the end of the zeroes, the turn of the decade... Be sure the next decade will be full of good surprises.
About the picture above, well, the Cd sampler went out, the printing quality is Okay, meaning the colors are bright and not so distorted compared to the original drawing, and the four bands featured on the record are doing fine.
Pizzza / Nunc Est Bibendum / Apraxie / Tête De Cerf
Available for 5 Euros - mostly in mailorder lists or some bookstores in Paris...
" No More Seasons "
Book Sign... pt.2
Book Signatures
Dedication doodles done during the Bd Aix festival / comics fair.
Lines are quite loose, this is what you can call "drunk drawing"...
the three last pictures are a nod to the G-20 summit happening the same week-end, where the world leaders were busy finding solutions to refuel the global financial system... Alleluia.
This piece of work had been realised within 4 days last March, inside a nine square meter wood cubicle.
Most tatoo material is sourced from Sidney Snoeck pictures took in the Bilibid Prison in Manila.
Check this beautiful series of Philippine Gang tattoos, which are quite raw, kitsch, intriguing and beautiful at the same time.
Click on the following link: my sarisari store/gang-tattoos/
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