
Super Pack Promo

Cover illustration featuring a bunch of super heroes for the local small press publisher Organic Comix.


Prof Fall - Dancing Party

 Flyer for an art exhibit and release party surrounding the launch of Prof Fall this coming November 4th in Lyon. More info there:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1238663759539749/


Prof Fall - Book signing

Few free sketches for the first book signing last Sunday 16th October in Saint-Etienne.


Prof Fall - Hot off the press

The books arrived, still smelling fresh ink from the printing presses last week.
This is a nice baby, weighing 1kg and 170 grams.


Prof Fall - Out Soon

Finally, my upcoming album Prof Fall will be out This October 21st.
176 duotone pages nicely wrapped in a hardcover by the Tanibis publishing services.
As you can see, it will be quite thick.  More details coming soon...