
Daddy Mool

St Palais/Royan - July 2014
Paintings done in public along with the Organic Comix collective.



Portrait appearing in the 2014 edition of the Black Screen silkscreened calendar.


The Day Before

The Day Before - 2014
Two drawings from a set of five to illustrate a novel from Nicolas Rouillé published in the french fanzine Plus que Des mots.


Hluboka Orbà #29

Hluboka Orbà #29 - Hardcore Fanzin - 2012
Nice mag from the Czech Republic. Actually this impressive fanzine is thick like a directory book with its 200 offset printed pages. Print run around 800 copies. All text inside is written in Czech language.

  "číslo brněnského DIY hardcore/punkového fanzinu Hluboká orba a to na 200 stranách formátu A4 v knižní brožované vazbě. Uvnitř najdeš tradiční sloupky od starých i nových přispěvatelů, rozhovor s francouzským kreslířem Ivanem Brunem(který taky pro toto číslo namaloval obálku a úvodní dvojstránku), ohlédnutí za blokádou Velké Pardubické v roce 1992 v podobě rozhovorů s jejími účastníky, kdy vzpomínají a nad smyslem radikálních protestů na ochranu práv zvířat se zamýšlejí Bergámo (Nadace Animal SOS), Míra 5. (Day After), Gao (Hnutí Duha), Honza (1000 LET OD RÁJE), Bořek (Brněnská vrtule), Bretfa (Bretfa), Radek (Vostnatej drát) a Barvák (Insane Society), tour reporty MAD PIGS (Japonsko),FEAR OF EXTINCTION (Evropa), SEE YOU IN HELL (USA), LIFE POSSESSION / VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR (Evropa) a MÖRKHIMMEL (Skandinávie), čtenářský deník - recenze na knížky hudební i politické, rozhovory s NO STATIK (USA), BOILING POINT (Sk), RABIESRED INSECT a s pražským infocentrem Salé, dále "Kamikadze hardcore/punkového undergroundu" - organizátoři koncertů z různých koutů Československa vlastními slovy -Soya Thrashers From Hell (Chomutov), Garáže pod Prístavným mostom (Bratislava), Punx Disnötice (Přísnotice) a Statek Hella (Újezd), 204 recenzí na podzemní hardcore/punkové nahrávky a na závěr ohlédnutí za posledním rokem a půl organizování koncertů pod hlavičkou brněnského kolektivu United Crusties."


Les Aventures épouvantables de l’Ombre

Illustrations for the 6th and last issue of "Les Aventures épouvantables de l’Ombre" by Der Kommissar, éditions A Mort.


102.2 mhz

Visuals for the local radio station Radio Canut. 2012
That design with the headphones and mike pictured above needed a serious update as it came straight from the '70s.


Vortex V

Raw black and white Vatican themed illustrations done for the local graph-zine Vortex. Issued last November, printed at 111 copies and featuring Alice Dugas, Archi Sev, Bal tazar, Benjamin Triouleyre, Biau, Boitaju, Gaëlle Loth, Guillaume Soulatges, J.M. Bertoyas, Jon Vaughn, Kinga Sofalvi, Laura Holdein Lane, Madame Lapin, Mehdi Beneitez, Mosa, Newyork, Nota, Omick, Ricky Valencia, Stéven Stéréotype Marcato, Totipote, 1port, Victor Dvnkel, X-one, and me. More info about the zine on their site and FB page.


Sugar Daddies

Three panel serie done last March 2013 for a collective exhibit in Lyon. B-movie festival "Hallucinations Collectives", along with artists Matthias Lehmann, Jean-Luc Navette, Nicolas Moog, Zerozedrip, Luis Safa and Sixo. Theme for the show was tackling the "white trash" subject matter, so i decided to approach the cultural and economical exchanges between white trash dudes and brown skinned girls...
Each panel was done with graphite, china ink and acrylic paint on masonite, the three drawings were realised in 25 hours within five days. the crappy quality pictures were done with a Sony DSC-W320, which does no better than an average cellphone at this point.


Skrotes & Boiling Point

Above: Preliminary sketch.
Artwork for a split seven inch vinyl record pairing the Skrotes from Portugal and Boiling Point from Slovakia. The skating zombie imagery was suggested by the bands. The record, released late 2012, had been co-produced by eight microlabels so it might be distributed and available near you if you live in the Eurozone.


Loosen your belts

Illustration done for a collective book published last January. This is about the environmentalist protest movement against an airport project done by the civil engineering company Vinci around Nantes, France. Tree hugger hippie stuff, for what i care... More info about the book here: http://www.detachezvosceintures.net/


Outrage Fatigue

Small scratchboards drawings for a limited issue fanzine, each original panel sizes 8x12 centimeters.


Down & Out

Back for revenge...
My official site is now ready, covering a selection of works done between 1990 to 2011, check it there: ivanbrun.tanibis.net 



This blog hadn't been updated since last August 2011. Times flies so it seems. Some new projects on the way. Will try to get my shit together and post more material here during 2012. End of transmission.


Maximum RocknRoll

Just got my copies from the MRR September issue.
It includes a 4 page article about my works and my passion for violent hard core punk music within the french context of the late 80's until now.
The drawing used for the cover was inspired by some manga, used for an unofficial Lip Cream t-shirt designed and screen printed at two copies back in 1991, old stuff...


Freak Out!

Cover and illustrations done for the Freak Out! music fanzine.
This nice publication is printed at 300 copies on a A3 newspaper format.
Feature mostly obscure contemporary punk music...
Check it out there: http://freakoutzine.tumblr.com/


Manila Signings - Sputnik

Some views from the signing.
Sputnik is a nice tiny shop selling mostly U.S. and Filipino indie comics, some local zines, as well as toys and figurines.
Definitely a cool place to hang out on week-end evenings if you happen to visit Metro Manila.
Some samples of the Philippine fanzine production...