
Richard Durn


Front cover

Back Cover

Cover art for an upcoming Lp from the french punk band Richard Durn,
R. Durn is the name of a mass murderer who killed 8 people and wounded 17 people in the Nanterre's town council back in March 2002, mainly as a result of a terrible life of frustration... To avoid any connotation to violent imagery, i decided to opt for a more allusive and enigmatic subject matter...
Ooops, somebody's ringing at the door...


Viñetas Sueltas, again

Cover for a badly xeroxed fanzine compiling the contributions from the participants of my workshop. The main objective was adapting newspapers articles in a single comic page.

Young participants of an informal meeting at the youth center "Fundacion Defensores del Chaco", in Moreno, a neibourhood in the outskirts of Buenos Aires.
Info about the center here: www.defensoresdelchaco.org.ar

Drawing done on the spot at the said meeting...

Exhibition of my works at the Alliance Française of Buenos Aires. The Argentine edition from Lowlife sold well, couldn't even bring my own copies back!

Theater in Corrientes Avenue...

The first comic festival in Buenos Aires was a blast, that was a great opportunity to meet and discover the works from confirmed and aspiring comic artists from different parts of South America, as Lucas Varela, Alejandra Lunik, Marcelo Dsalete do Brasil, Paola Gaviria from Colombia, Jorge Perez Ruibal from Perù,
Salvador Sanz, Javier Suppa, Ernan Ciriani coordinating the festival along with mr.Thomas Dassance ,
Polaco Scalerandi and Gaston Souto from the crazy Lule Le Lele team, Julian Sequeira, Gustavo Sala, and many more that i forgot to mention...
Thanks again to the organizers and the cultural institutions who made it possible...


Viñetas Sueltas

The poster for the first international comic festival held in Buenos Aires from May 20th to May 24th. Art by Lucas Varela.
Details about the festival can be found there

Cover for the South American version of Lowlife that should be published soon...
More information later.


Pictobello 2008

Pictobello is an event happening in the streets of Vevey, Switzerland...

20 different artists had to realize an illustration on empty advertising billboards sizing 270cm x 130 cm during the day.

My finished piece, click on the picture for a full detailed view...

List of the participants, 16 Swiss and 3 French:

> Vincent Gravé (F)
> Soluto (F)
> Emy Amstein (CH) 08
> Louiza Becquelin (CH)
> Christian Bovey (CH) http://www.jagern.ch/bleistift/bovey_christian.html
> Mathias Forbach (CH)
> Jo Germond (CH)
> Karen Ichters (CH)
> Mathias Rihs (CH) http://www.jagern.ch/bleistift/rihs_matthias.html
> Ben (CH)
> Serval (CH) -Illustrateur.
> Walder (CH)
> Ivan Brun (F)
> Sarah Haug (CH)
> Joëlle Isoz (CH)
> Valentin Kissling (CH)
> Emmanuelle Klaefiger (CH)
> Katia Orlandi (CH)
> Nicole Rossi (CH)



What this country needs right now is a deep aesthetic and cultural reform.


Summer Of Hope... Don't Mess with Real Estate

Street painting done with the Organic Comix collective in the streets of Evian, June 21st 2007, "Fête de la Musique"

Yes, we do really use those oversaturated colors... Fun to do at the very moment we're painting it, but it makes me want to puke when seeing the result a few months afterwards.

Same story adapted in a comic page that should be published next month in the Underground/Indie Rock magazine "Abus Dangereux".
Despite the commemoration of May '68 forty years anniversary, this is just a reminder to the young generations that it's much better and reasonable to leave the decisions about their future to the elders and the ruling class... Got the message kids?


2008 Calendar

Cover Design

Computer Collage, is this about the next depletion of fossil fuel ressources? I don't know...

Fish in a museum? Wtf??!

The final result, entirely assembled & silkscreened by hand, 102 copies...



Studies for an album cover

Some detailed sketches for an upcoming book.
Researching in the classic european comic book type cover illustrations.



Nothing in particular... just random ballpen sketches laying around on my table enhanced with computer coloring...


Born Again

Scratchboard done a few months ago for the new CD cover of a local Black Metal band named Overmars.
This album titled "Born Again" consist of one long 40 minutes track, could be boring as hell but still, they manage to leave room for variation.

Enlarged details intended for the back cover.


Filipiniana Again


Yes, this blog space hadn't been updated since one month...
Thing is i've been maintaining another page dedicated to the Philippine punk scene from the eighties during last September.
There's lot of bands related information and old exotic Hardcore-punk albums to download.
Click on the pictures to access philippines80shardcore.blogspot.com



Classic Comics

The story -board...

This work is a bit different than what i'm usually doing.
It's for a 24 pages comics story that will be executed by eight different persons.
I took inspiration from John Buscema for the physical features and the excessive theatrical poses of the characters, even if the overall aspect is still stiff and static in the end...
Each artist have to draw a segment of four pages. Guess the final result will be quite unusual, as the artists involved in the project have very different techniques and graphic approach...
Should be published next month.