
Saint Michael

That was a 44 page comic excerpt with silkscreened covers done to show the project to various publishers.



The tower tarot card. Illustration for Prof Fall, an upcoming graphic novel project.



Random drawing with no purpose. Ball pen and photoshop coloring. 2014



Design for the Coche Bomba South-East Asian tour poster, late 2011. Bulalo are beef marrow bones flavored noodles.


Prof Fall - In progress

Some pages from 2013, for a graphic novel project i'm currently working on.


Downer Buzz

Cover art for an upcoming record for the New-Zealand band Downer Buzz.
Cats and monkeys were drawn on request by the band. Agressive and unsettling sound and tunes.


Flash back

Picture found on the internet. That was done in the basement of the Centro Social Anarquista, Gijon, Asturias, Spain, back in 1997.


Outrage Fatigue

Outrage Fatigue - 2013
32 pages silk-screened illustrations, 16x24cm / 6.3x9.4 inches, manually printed and assembled at 100 copies. Some other excerpts were shown previously there.



Operation Turquoise - August 1994
Those 28 paintings were done reproducing TV footage about the french peacekeeping intervention in Rwanda twenty years ago. Displayed during the second installment of "Grand Salon", small press fair held in Grnd Zero, Lyon, May 2012



Late 1992 old painting.
On display during the small press festival Grand Salon, May 2012.



State Poison - 2014
Cover art for the local punk band State Poison. Japanese tour edition CD containing all their recorded output.


Grrrnd Salon

May 2011. Grrrnd Zero, Lyon
Crappy but funny mural done during the second edition of the "Grand Salon", a local small press fair.
Done lazily during the afternoon with the collaboration of Bertoyas and various crowd participants...


Restos De Tragedia

January 2011.
Record cover for the split ep featuring local punks Coche Bomba and Restos de Tragedia from Medellin, Colombia. This seven inch was released in September 2012.


Surf Tourist Postcard

St Palais/Royan - July 2014
An attempt to do more consensual for the vacationers, but to no avail. Nobody gave a f*ck anyways. Will rather stick to the hard stuff  as usual.


Surf Terror Squad

St Palais/Royan - July 2014
Acrylic paintings done on broken surf boards.


Daddy Mool

St Palais/Royan - July 2014
Paintings done in public along with the Organic Comix collective.



Portrait appearing in the 2014 edition of the Black Screen silkscreened calendar.


The Day Before

The Day Before - 2014
Two drawings from a set of five to illustrate a novel from Nicolas Rouillé published in the french fanzine Plus que Des mots.


Hluboka Orbà #29

Hluboka Orbà #29 - Hardcore Fanzin - 2012
Nice mag from the Czech Republic. Actually this impressive fanzine is thick like a directory book with its 200 offset printed pages. Print run around 800 copies. All text inside is written in Czech language.

  "číslo brněnského DIY hardcore/punkového fanzinu Hluboká orba a to na 200 stranách formátu A4 v knižní brožované vazbě. Uvnitř najdeš tradiční sloupky od starých i nových přispěvatelů, rozhovor s francouzským kreslířem Ivanem Brunem(který taky pro toto číslo namaloval obálku a úvodní dvojstránku), ohlédnutí za blokádou Velké Pardubické v roce 1992 v podobě rozhovorů s jejími účastníky, kdy vzpomínají a nad smyslem radikálních protestů na ochranu práv zvířat se zamýšlejí Bergámo (Nadace Animal SOS), Míra 5. (Day After), Gao (Hnutí Duha), Honza (1000 LET OD RÁJE), Bořek (Brněnská vrtule), Bretfa (Bretfa), Radek (Vostnatej drát) a Barvák (Insane Society), tour reporty MAD PIGS (Japonsko),FEAR OF EXTINCTION (Evropa), SEE YOU IN HELL (USA), LIFE POSSESSION / VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR (Evropa) a MÖRKHIMMEL (Skandinávie), čtenářský deník - recenze na knížky hudební i politické, rozhovory s NO STATIK (USA), BOILING POINT (Sk), RABIESRED INSECT a s pražským infocentrem Salé, dále "Kamikadze hardcore/punkového undergroundu" - organizátoři koncertů z různých koutů Československa vlastními slovy -Soya Thrashers From Hell (Chomutov), Garáže pod Prístavným mostom (Bratislava), Punx Disnötice (Přísnotice) a Statek Hella (Újezd), 204 recenzí na podzemní hardcore/punkové nahrávky a na závěr ohlédnutí za posledním rokem a půl organizování koncertů pod hlavičkou brněnského kolektivu United Crusties."


Les Aventures épouvantables de l’Ombre

Illustrations for the 6th and last issue of "Les Aventures épouvantables de l’Ombre" by Der Kommissar, éditions A Mort.


102.2 mhz

Visuals for the local radio station Radio Canut. 2012
That design with the headphones and mike pictured above needed a serious update as it came straight from the '70s.